We have been flying commercial tandem flights on the Zwölferhorn as pilots since 2011. This makes us the “old hands” from the Zwölferhorn. Karin’s goal was to bring together the best long-standing tandem pilots in the area to form a pilot team. And: here we are 🙂
We all pursue the same goal: to convey tandem flying as an experience. And with the best skills 🙂
Fyling since |
2005 |
Occupation |
Tandempilot, Manager Tandemflights, Consultation, Guestcontact |
Licences |
Tandempilot, Paragliding Instructor, Motorpilot |
Favorite places |
Austria, specially the region Salzkammergut: Wolfgangsee, Attersee, Switzerland specially the region Graubünden, the South Island of New Zealand, Italy and Slovenia are certainly my favorite places with the best memories about paragliding! |
I started paragliding in New Zealand in 2005 and the sport has never let go of me. I enjoy being in the air in every free minute cause I love flying above the world. The beauty of nature fascinates me with every flight. Since I also love hiking, I like to combine these two experiences. |
Fyling since |
2005 |
Occupation |
Tandempilot, Organisation Tandemflight |
Licenses |
Tandempilot |
Favorite places |
Madeira, Portugal, Spanien |
Always in a good mood, I know how to have fun. Paragliding and skiing are my great passions. I enjoy every minute in the air and love to share this experience with others. Karin and I have been working in the pilot team since 2012 and are truly considered the Zwölferhorn's dream team! |
Flying sice |
2001 |
Occupation |
Tandempilot, Organisation Tandemflights |
Licenses |
Tandempilot, Paragliding instructor, Motor & Tandem-Trike Pilot, UL Pilot |
Favorite places |
Süd Afrika, Nepal, Zypern and Austria |
I am a passionate cross-country pilot. This passion, to fly from mountain to mountain, and through this, exploring new mountains and areas is always a special experience for me. No day is like the other and every flight area has its own characteristics. Good preparation such as route planning and weather forecast paired with my own flying skills and spontaneous decisions bring me to my destination.
My newfound passion is sailing. Here, too, success is only possible with good planning. The nice thing is that my wife and children can accompany me while I am sailing. |
Flying since |
1997 |
Occupation |
Tandempilot |
Licenses |
Tandempilot, Instructor |
I grew up with paragliding. My father flew and he made it possible for me to get my paragliding license very early on, at the age of 14. So flying is part of my life. My challenge in paragliding is cross-country flying. Trying out new routes and exploring new territory is my greatest fulfillment. |
Flying since |
2013 |
Occupation |
Tandempilot |
Licenses |
Tandempilot |
Favorite places |
at home |
Since I was born and grew up in the area Lake Attersee, my standards have always been very high when it comes to the beauty of other places in the world. I actually prefer to be in my home area around Lake Attersee. My love for the mountains led me to paragliding. As a high-altitude tour instructor, paragliding was a simple and pragmatic way to provide the perfect descent aid. Ultimately, paragliding became such a passion of mine that it became my favorite sport alongside skiing. |